Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My dogs nails seem dry, brittle and are peeling, any reason why??

not enough nutrition... :)My dogs nails seem dry, brittle and are peeling, any reason why??
The answer to this question depends on exactly what is happening with

the nails.

If you are seeing dry nails that crumble easily when they are trimmed,

but are not sloughing off, not causing pain or other discernible problems,

then there are lots of anecdotal recommendations for treatment. I am not

aware of any studies that show that any of these things actually work, but

anecdotally they are recommended:

Gelatin administration is a common recommendation for treatment of

brittle nails. I have seen a fairly wide range of recommendations for the

amount of gelatin to give. For an 85 lbs. dog the total dosages would be 2 to 5

packages per day (Knox Gelatin (tm) is the most commonly recommended

brand name). I suspect that this is rarely helpful but haven't seen any

reports of it being harmful.

Some sources recommend supplementing biotin when nails are brittle. I

can't recall whether I have seen a study in dogs but I know that in horses

there have been studies that haven't shown much benefit for hoof care, which

should be similar. The recommended dosage is around 5mg/kg (about 200mg

for your dog) of biotin per day, if you want to try this.

Zinc supplementation helps in some dogs. The usual dosage is zinc

gluconate 5mg/kg daily. This probably only works when there is a zinc deficiency,

although some dogs just seem to need more zinc. I don't think of this

as a really common problem but we have seen at least a couple of cases of

zinc deficiency in our practice over the years.

The best bet is probably to supplement with omega n3 fatty acids. This

is usually done using fish oil (3V Capsules tm) and giving 180mg/10lbs of

body weight per day, which is a pretty high dosage. For just dry nails a

lower dosage might be helpful but for the condition discussed next you would

need the higher dosage.

If the nails are actually cracking back to the nail bed, if they are

falling off or if they are deformed, it is likely that there is a

medical cause for the problem. The most likely cause would be lupoid

onchodystrophy, followed by food allergies or other allergies,

ringworm, bacterial infections and immune mediated diseases. Except for the

ringworm and bacterial infections all of these conditions might respond to the

high end dosages of 3V Capsules. It is likely that your vet can give you

some idea of the possibility of an infectious cause following an

examination.My dogs nails seem dry, brittle and are peeling, any reason why??
poor nutrition

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