Sunday, February 7, 2010

Help for Brittle Nails?

I've used differnet nail polishes to harden my nails, but that is not what I really want to do.

What nutrients am I lacking in my diet to cause brittle nails? What foods can I eat to help with this?Help for Brittle Nails?
Depending on what you have......

Darkened or Pale, thin lack-of-color nails. Probable cause: Anemia or iron deficiency.

Dry Nails that split or break easily. Probable cause: Lack of vitamin A, calcium, and protein. A protein deficiency can opaque white bands to appear on the nails or cause them to become dry, brittle, and very thin. Insufficient amounts of complete protein and/or vitamin A slow down the rate of nail growth (which is also affected by various drugs). A shortage of vitamin A or calcium in the diet may also cause dryness and brittleness.

Fragile Nails with horizontal or vertical ridges. Probable cause: Vitamin B deficiency. A lack of the B vitamin causes nail to become fragile, with horizontal or vertical ridges appearing. Horizontal ridges can also be a signal of a hormonal imbalance and sometimes appear during menstruation. Vertical ridges may signal anemia or iron deficiency or may results from aging or dryness.

Fungus Nails: Probable cause: Lack of friendly bacteria and/or too many antibiotics. A fungus infestation found underneath the nails can also be a sign of the insufficient intake of B vitamins. A intake of Acidophilus (a good bacteria) will help fight off bad bacteria. Artificial nails or damage nails commonly create fungus under the fingernails. A blend of two or more of the following essential oils applied to the nail or before applying artificial nails will also help with fungus. Tea tree, clove, eucalyptus, and/or niaouli.

Hang Nails: Probable cause: Frequent hang nails usually indicate an inadequate intake of vitamin C, folic acid, and protein.

Mood-shaped or white stop on the nails. Probable cause: iron and zinc deficiency. White spots on the nails can be cause by a zinc deficiency. Also a moon-shapes nail can be a sign of a iron deficiency.Help for Brittle Nails?
yeah...what breaker_4 said
omg........get dead sea minerals nail buffer- grey side, omg, works miracles, i used to bite my nails 24 /7 , but after using that buffer, after like a couple days, i was like, why are they so hard and stronmg, i cant bite them. or any good buffer is fine

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